As the campaign season begins to heat up, the citizens of Cincinnati now know of another candidate who will be running this year for City Council. Larry Moreno, a resident of Walnut Hills, has officially declared his candidacy for the Cincinnati City Council. In a brief and candid interview this past weekend, Moreno met with some members of the media to confirm the rumors of his candidacy and answer a few questions about his campaign.
Moreno has received degrees from both the University of Cincinnati and the University of Virginia, and now has come back home to the Cincinnati area to live and work. A self-proclaimed philanthropist, Moreno stresses the importance of giving back to the community. One of the ways in which he does this is through the brewery that he owns. His local brewery, known as Rhine-Tree, provides jobs and business to areas of Cincinnati that normally would not see such economic development. But while Moreno loves giving back to the community, he loves his family even more. In the interview, Larry took time to firmly establish his commitment to his family. Having two children and a wife, Larry recognizes that there are bigger things in his life than just politics. Overall, Cincinnati would be getting a true family man if Moreno were to be elected.
In the conclusion of his interview, Moreno gave a brief summary of what his campaign will be based around. Some of the most important issues Moreno plans to attack are the opioid epidemic, the slumping economy, homelessness, and gentrification. Moreno believes that through addressing and fixing these issues, Cincinnati can become a better place for all to live. Myself, as well as the other members of the media, look forward to meeting with Larry throughout the course of this campaign and wish him the best of luck.