[The Abbott Campaign released this statement shortly after Vanessa Abbott's first press conference this past Wednesday]
For immediate release to: The Daily Dishrag Wednesday April 10, 2019 1:00pm
"Not Your Average Republican”
On Wednesday, April 10th at noon, in her first press conference since announcing her run for Cincinnati City Council, Vanessa Abbott gave a resounding speech covering a wide range of topics and issue that she and her team hopes to address during the race and as a councilwoman.
Vanessa introduced herself to the voting public in her press conference as the sole female candidate in this race, as well as being the only veteran, and conservative option for the race. She also took the opportunity to speak on numerous issues including the opioid crisis and possible bipartisan legal solutions, the dire need for teachers in the Cincinnati Public School System and the need to incentivize educators to come to Cincinnati and stay, and lastly the public transportation crisis and what can be done to improve the city public bus system. In answering questions from the media, Vanessa spoke about trying to keep educators in Cincinnati using methods other than increasing taxes due to the Cincinnati Public Schools already having an admirable average schoolteacher salary. Vanessa revealed during the conference that her primary motivation for running her understanding of the dire financial straits of middle-class working people, as she herself had to declare personal bankruptcy in 2009. Mrs. Abbott understands that while some people may question her economic decision-making personal history, she is confident that through a multipoint comprehensive plan developed by a team of policy experts that she can effect long lasting change on the city of Cincinnati.
The Abbott campaign is excited to be able to bring new ideas about economic and social reform to the great Queen City through the city council. To donate and learn more about the Vanessa Abbott campaign, please see the campaign and team member contact information below; telephone and email lines are open around the clock or visit our new campaign website with the link below.
Rick Pringle Media Relations Team (505)795-2868 https://vanessaabbott2019.wixsite.com/abbottforcincy