Featuring Sam Aberle, Colin Cooper, and Catherine Sholtis
Cat: That happend. That happend. Um, But we can just keep going. It’s still going? Yeah, it’s going. We’re recording this like a, like a podcast, because there’s a lot to say that can’t be said in a google doc-
Cat: So. So, we just got done with the debate -
Sam: Mmmhhmm
Cat: Um. It’s fair to say that nobody won, (laughs), because that was just chaos!
Colin: Right.
Sam: Yeah, did you guys think anybody won?
Cat: No! Um… Brock escaped with his life, the other two, it was like - Sunday night Game of Thrones.
Colin: Right.
Cat: Yeah. Um. - Brock had an opening statement prepared.
Colin: Mmmhhmm. Moreno did too, for the most part.
Cat: for the - I - I - I did not see - I feel like
Colin: It was a very -
Cat: - he was going off the cuff,
Colin: Yeah, it seemed like just a-
Cat: -but he’s good at that-
Colin: It seemed like a very, just, a bland statement-
Cat: yeah
Colin: Just kinda, didn’t really wanna poke any bears or anything, just kinda wanted to get his word out there.
Cat: And Brock had lots of like, “I am” statements
Colin: Correct, yeah. And “I will-”
Cat: Which is very, very bold, like, besides just his ambition, it’s just really bold to just use “I am statements-”
Sam: Well, I think it’s interesting because Brock kind of like combines that strong language with his very mild, kind of monotone speaking,
Cat: Yeah, so -
Sam: So it kind of, it, I mean even though what he says is kind of compelling - um, His message doesn’t feel as strong as it would if the same words were coming out of Larry’s or even Vanessa at that, I mean, Brock - like, compared to the others, he was quiet and -
Colin: mmhmmm
Sam: I mean, it didn’t take away from his message, but it kind of, uh, I think, I think it had an impact.
Colin: Absolutely
Cat: Abbott instigating an applause for us, I thought - was- hilarious (laughs) , there was just -
Colin: Yes, that was very strange -
Cat: But then, but then, but then, so… she showed this solidarity with Brock, j-just very subtly, in that opening statement before the Moreno scandal situation stuff came out -
Colin: Mmhmm
Cat: but that like, set a precedent for this weird thing I noticed that they sort of have this weird alliance -
Colin: Yeah
Cat: and it’s, like, “I don’t know if you guys are aware, but only one of you-
Colin: Can win
Cat: -can get, can get the spot (laughs)
Colin: Yeah, there’s no vice president -
Cat: But yeah so they had this really weird alliance going that they did not like, like it was not dropped at all -
Colin: Mmmmhmm
Cat: So I don’t know if they were both aware of the scandal, I- cause I had no idea where it came from.
Colin: I don’t even think Brock knew that this alliance was a thing until the scandal came out, and then he just-
Cat: And then he was just rolling with it-
Colin: -Yeah, he just wanted to jump on Moreno while he had the chance -
Cat: Yeah
Colin: Cause I, I don’t think he had any knowledge or any plans to attack Moreno, but when
Abbott started doing it, he’s like “Well, I mean,”
Sam: I mean it’s-
Colin: It’s kinda open season - at that point-
Sam: It, it’s in his interest to do so anyway
Colin: Mmhmm
Sam: But I feel like, mmm, I feel like they saw after the “Meet the Press,” how, I mean, I think
Larry had the strongest one-
Cat: Mmmmm
Colin: mmmhmmm
Sam: Um, so coming out of that,Vanessa knew that she needed to come out, I mean-
Cat: Really strong -
Sam: Well, it’s interesting because in her, uh, press release before that-
(Cat: is she{the phone} still going? Yeah)
Sam: She said that, um,
Cat: You’re good, you’re good
Sam: Ah, in her press release, she said that uh, she wanted to clarify policy positions from
her “Meet the Press,” and then comes out just swinging and
Cat: Yeah!
Sam: -and does not do that at all
Colin: Yeah, yep
Cat: Yeahh!
Sam: She didn’t, she, she completely reversed from what she was going to do, it was attack Moreno the whole time, um, and I think Brock just like you said, wanted to pick up off of that
Colin: mmmhmmm
Sam: And, um, I think they
Cat: now-
Sam: - saw Larry ahead and were just like, it went, they all went into attack mode
Colin: Right
Cat: The attack would have worked if the information was correct-
Sam: Yo-
Colin: I don’t even- know who to believe
Cat: Now we still don’t know!
Sam: I don’t know-
Colin: We don’t know who to believe!
Cat: I don’t know who to believe, because -
Sam: We don’t have the sources-
Cat: The last time we the DUI scandal, that came, very officially, in email form
Colin: yep
Cat: Very clear - because they’re all aware of their own scandals, like they, they had the information to, to feed, to feed and to completely clarify
Colin: Right
Cat: And Brock did a really good job at doing that and then… So, this happens and I don’t know if- Someone is incorrect.
Colin: Right
Cat: And - whoever is incorrect, be it Abbott or Moreno, they have destroyed themselves.
Colin: mmmhmmm
Cat: Whether their really dramatic animosity did that or not.
Colin: mmmm
Sam: well, okay, well I- I think we have to talk about here is that, um, when, when there’s a political scandal, and a campaign finds out about it, like an opposing campaign-
Cat: mmmhmm
Sam: They tell the media.
Cat: Yeah
Colin: Right
Sam: Vanessa didn’t tell the media, so
Cat: She told everybody-
Sam: So, so it seems like her source isn’t as credible.
Colin: Yeah.
Sam: Like, like, um, like we were leaked the information about the Brock DUI-
Cat: Mmmhmm
Sam: We published it. And then everybody knew about it. And then we could ask Brock about it.
Colin: Mmmhmm
Cat: Yeah
Sam: But Vanessa just comes out with it out of nowhere, we don’t know the reliability of the source cause it didn’t go through us, and neither does -
Cat: Cause that- That could have been completely made up, but then Moreno h- like, he had something to say about it -
Colin: Right…
Cat: But it was completely different, then she was like “No, it’s talking about something else,” it like, “That was 2016, this is now” so-
Colin: Mmmhmm
Cat: The scandal really did not - because there, like, both accounts would like cancel each other out -
Sam: Aand it wasn’t vetted by the media, we didn’t know about it-
Colin: mmm
Cat: We - it means nothing.
Sam: Right
Colin: So, who do-
Cat: It essentially means absolutely nothing.
Colin: So who do you believe?
Cat: I - I really can’t- because it was so poorly, I almost wanna just like- “Can you just pick a different scandal??” (laughs) because-
Colin: Right
Cat: (gasps) It means nothing! (claps) if it (claps) isn’t (claps) clear!
Colin: Right.
Sam: And, and they did not make it very clear either when they were just yelling back and forth to each other
Cat: Yeah
Colin: Right. I think-
Cat: The animosity was really distracting-
Colin: Right-
Cat: I think it became a bit after a while-
Colin: Right, because then Moreno kept asking “Well, where are your facts, where are your facts?” and she’s like “Well, this is happening now, so.” She didn’t really give any facts, she just kept, pretty much just attacking him, just saying like “Well, you did this this,” and he’s like “Well, what are your facts for, like, me doing this-”
Cat: Yeah-
Colin: And she didn’t really give anything. So, I personally believe Moreno just because when she did mention it, he gave his story and it seemed pretty clean, but- and then she just kept trying to like, “Well, that was another incident, I’m talking about now,” and he, I mean, it didn’t seem - to have knowledge of it-
Cat: Well, let’s talk about ********* - that state senate, right?
Colin: Right, correct.
Cat: And she has this big thing about local issues being local issues, that would be out of her jurisdiction of care anyway.
Colin: Right, so she kinda contradicts herself there.
Cat: So-
Sam: I think that was a theme, Vanessa contradicting herself-
Cat: - That was a - She has a another theme, which rea-, just, UGh. God. (reading) “We can’t doing anything about it anyway.”
Colin: Thats-!
Cat: Came up three times.
Colin: I was really close to asking her a question again, um, I think it was on the environmental question-
Cat: Environmental and-
Colin: - When she talked about, she’s like “Well, this is realistic, and then, um, we have to keep a realistic view-” and then later
Cat: You can be a realist but that was- (laughs)
Sam: (laugh)
Colin: and then, um,
Cat: - not the right thing to say…
Colin: and then later on, she’s like, “Well, there’s not much we really can do,” and I was really close to asking herself something like, “Well, if you don’t know-
Sam: “What are you doing here?”
Cat: Yeah
Colin: I was going to say, like, “Well, what are you going to plan on doing if you get this position if you can’t really do much then it doesn’t really seem like you have any ideas. You’re kind of just saying, ‘oh, this won’t work but - maybe this will.’”
Cat: And I feel so bad, as a woman, getting frustrated (laughing) by like - as a person I’m getting frustrated, cause then you- You want to be, you know, like, I - aksh - (laugh/yelling) “I can’t support a woman if it’s not working!!”
Colin: Right.
Cat: That was just super frustrating, but then I- the gender and diversity question, I think it just like, (laughs) i- It did not do what I wanted it to do-
Colin: yeah…
Cat: -when I wrote that question.
Colin: Mmmhmm
Cat: Um-
Colin: I think they were kind of well-aware that might have been a question, especially from the “Meet the Press” interview, I think they were kind of-
Cat: yeah
Colin:-if that would come up, they had, like, their lines ready to go and
Sam: Well, well, and Larry had his with the Alliance, but that wasn’t really much, and then-
Colin: Did he even talk about that today?
Cat: For a second. He llloovvvveess to toot his own horn, it’s ridiculous.
Sam: Yeah
Colin: mmmhmm.
Cat: (laughing) It’s so funny-
Sam: Mmmm
Cat: um-
Sam: And, and you can tell Brock was waiting for the question too-
Cat: Yeah
Sam: -because first thing he says is “I’m a feminist.”
Cat: yeah
Colin: mhmmm
Cat: Yeah!
Colin: Mmm
Sam: And I think Vanessa just went - did she respond to that as well? With the, like, usual
Cat:What- Uh, she talked about…
Colin: She talked about how, like, there - 52% of Cincinnati is women
Sam: Right.
Cat: Mmhmm
Colin: -And then she talked about how, I think just
Cat: But no one said anything like, li-, how,” What do you have to offer the women-”
Colin: It wasn’t plans-
Cat: - or minorities, like-
Colin: It was just like, “What I think-”
Cat: It was just li- yeah, it was- Nobody had any- Ugh. God, that’s what everybody
Sam: Yeah and-
Cat: - everybody is lacking, is planning.
Sam: It was- It wasn’t a- It could have been a more direct policy question.
Colin: Yeah.
Cat: Yeahh
Sam: But- I, I think it was a more, like, more of a moral question-
Cat: Mmhmm
Colin: Mmm
Sam: At least that’s the way they took it.
Colin: mmmhmm
Sam: But you’re right, I would have-
Cat: The big -
Sam: -liked to hear what Vanessa had to say more about..uh, those sorts of things.
Colin: Mm.
Cat: Um. The Big Business thing…?
Colin: Everyone seems to have a beef with it, if it’s not Moreno, like the-
Cat: I think, the- the. Small business is only becoming, like, a kind of recent thing in
Sam: Yeah.
Colin: Mmhmm
Cat: So, we have like, Kroger, P&G, PNC, like, all these really big companies here,
Colin: Yeah
Cat: Who- You have no choice but to have to work with, I mean, if you’re going to be operating- as a city
Sam: Yeah, I don’t think those should be your enemy.
Cat: NO!
Colin: Yeah, and it-
Cat: No.
Colin; Plus, to- you don’t see them doing really anything negative in the community-
Cat: Yeah.
Colin: If anything, they’re helping the community. You drive around Cincinnati, you see things are sponsored by those things all the time-
Sam: Or how many jobs they have here!
Colin: Exactly.
Cat: Yeah
Sam: It-it doesn’t make sense! And all three candidates were kinda guilty of it as well, or like- and even, I mean, just kinda denying any connection to big business-
Cat: Yeah-
Sam: -as if it would, like-
Cat: And it- it
Colin: - hurt people-
Cat: It becomes clannish cause now it’s like, this business is really like only for veterans, this business is, like, just beer, and this business is wha-, it was like education or like- I can’t jus- is it education or green energy? I don’t know what it is. I don’t know.
Colin: Mmmm
Sam: Yeah, i-it turned into like, a negative buzzword
Cat: Yeah!
Sam: That they just threw around to each other and then it was- I think, I think Vanessa
contradicted herself again-
Cat: Mmm
Sam: When she, when she attacked Rhinetree for being a big business and then when I brought the question up later, she clarified, saying “Oh well, Rhinetree is more local, but-”
Colin: Yeah-
Cat: Which is why I think the animosity became a bit that got out of hand.
Colin: Mmmhmm, yeah. Because-
Cat: Which is their fault.
Colin: Which is why I think Abbott was a little too eager to jump the gun on Moreno, on- She wanted to capitalize on, on his possible money issues by also attacking business-
Cat: Yeah
Colin: -and that’s the reason why-
Sam: But she is a business owner as well..
Colin: Correct!
Cat: Yeah
Sam: It ju- I think she took the wrong route to criticizing his, uh, would-be scandal-
Cat: Yeah
Sam: -whatever that really is.
Colin: Mmmm
Cat: Umm… (sighs). The- I think the railroad was a good - Like- It was like, a good start, but-
Colin: That was mostly - that was the most normal thing-
Cat: (laughing) That was the most normal thing that happened-
Colin: Yeah
Cat: Um.. da dada dadad, dadadada,dadadada (reading notes) I’m looking, I’m looking, I’m
looking - Rhine tree, big business-
Colin: The whole green energy thing, like- again
Cat: I- he says that the who- the focus on his campaign is green energy, but I haven’t heard
even words like “solar panels” or any-
Colin: Yeah! He doesn’t
Cat: (laughing) Like, I haven’t heard anything!
Colin: He just talks about how much he loves it, but he’s like, “Well, I don’t have a plan for it, but I love it-”
Cat: But it works for him because the other two really don’t care about it!
Colin: Exactly.
Cat: Except for, for, for Moreno, because he dropped all those vocab words-
Colin: mmmhmm
Cat: - those environmental vocab words-
Colin: Mmm
Cat: -And now, like, if anybody listened to that, they would think “Oh, that’s the environmental
Colin: Right.
Cat: - “and those two aren’t.”
Colin: Mmmhmm. And then Abbott just - said something about the river but-
Cat: Yeah
Colin: She wants to clean up the river, though, I guess that’s good-
Cat: Which I mentioned to her in the -
Colin: Meet the press?
Cat: Meet the Press interview.
Sam: Mmmm.
Cat: But that was-isihgh- partnering with P&G, and she said someone else, some other - Big Business- that I don’t remember. And-
Colin: Mmmhmmm
Cat: And I asked her to justify it, and I just feel like that didn’t happen.
Colin: Mmm.
Sam: Uh, I think one last thing we could talk about is, uh, Larry’s, uh, towards the end, he
goes for the Vision Zero, which is a-
Colin: Yeahh
Sam: national, - nation-wide organization that-
Cat: It all got real personal-
Colin: That ca- that turned the tables on the DUI.
Sam: Yeah, uh, because, because we kind of treated the DUI kind of lightly as well, and so did-
Cat: Which is kind of poor on our part? But-
Colin: Well , well, he was honest about it, I think that’s what we respected-
Cat: Yeah, yeahyeahyeah
Sam: Right
Colin: He ca, he did; He told us, we asked him, he addressed it, and then he’s like… there’s really not much else to say about it
Sam: Right, but the Larry saying “well, no this is actually an issue in the campaign-”
Colin: Yeah-
Sam: -this is a reason, even though you’re sorry, this is the reason why you should- why we shouldn’t elect you-
Cat: Because he’s treating it like and issue, and Abbott is not because of that weird little alliance!
Colin: Mmhmm
Sam: Yeah-
Cat: ..And, so Visions- cause, what did he say? “I know those guys, I talk to them all the time, I can’t work” and, like, talking to them, asking about the DUI, them saying “ I can’t work with someone with a DUI.”
Sam: Right, and then Brock’s response after saying “I haven’t had a drink in a while,” er, “since then,”
Cat: I-
Sam: He says, “Rhinetree is disgusting.”
Cat: Waai- that’s how it got personal and immature real fast. Uh- Here’s the scandal press release.. if we want to read that?
Colin: Did it just come out? Also, to uh-
Cat: Yeah, it was just emailed -
Colin: Interesting thing, real quick, that Moreno at the end, he kinda made the little jab toward
the bankruptcy -
Cat: Mmmhmm
Colin: And Abbott got suuuper offended about that-
Cat: Yeahh
Colin: Even though he specifically didn’t say anything, he even said “I’m on the record as having not said anything-”
Sam: I, I, I didn’t hear it either. I didn’t catch it.
Colin: He was just talking about like-
Cat: It was super qui- it was so quiet
Colin: It was just like “Who are we going to trust to run our money, uh - people who don’t know how to do this, this, or this?”
Sam: (laughs)
Colin: And Abbott took that as like, “Why are you attacking me because I was bankrupt,” and
Moreno’s like, “ Well, I didn’t say it, you’re the one who said it-”
Sam: (Laughs) yeah-
Colin: So that was kind of interesting-
Cat: (laughing) And then Brock came in with the, “I’m the only candidate who doesn’t have
any money problems-”
Colin: Yeah, that was-
Cat: That was funny!
Colin: That was good, that was good-
Cat: So here’s, here’s the press release: (reading) “to my constituents, for immediate release,, lalala- Recently, I’ve been attacked by my fellow candidates for my involvement in the campaign donations. In 2016-” there’s the date-
Colin: Mmmmhmm
Cat: (continued reading) “-I attended several events with former **** governor and senate candidate *** ****-*****?" ***.
Colin: *****.
Cat: It’s spelled wrong…
Sam: (laughs)
Cat: (reading) “I believed in many of his policies and believed he would be the best, uh, senate candidate to represent Southwest Ohio and Cincinnati. He asked me to loan his campaign-” There’s that word loan, (continued reading), “$10,000. As I’d never loaned a campaign money before, only donated, I was unsure of what the requirements were. I asked *****-
Colin: ******.
Cat: Is- Are we, like, breaking the fourth wall here.
Colin: *** *****
Cat: Yeah, but are, like-
Colin: (Laughs)
Sam: (laughs) I-
Cat: - because of, like, the class.. thing? Like, cause it’s class, and then they- this fictional world?
Sam: I, I don’t know-
Cat: The Poli - 359 cinematic universe?
Sam: Honestly, I - I-
Colin: (laughs)
Sam: I’ve been a little bit disturbed at the amount of - uh- grammar mistakes I’ve seen in press releases.
Cat: Really??
Sam: Yeah. I’m sorry, continue-
Cat: (laughs) Umm, so, ***,***, whatever it will be
Colin: ***!
Cat: (reading) “And his campaign manager-
Sam: What?
Cat: (continued reading) “-with what the rules were and they responded that with the only responsibilit-... I asked **** and his campaign manager what the rules were and they responded with the only responsibility was on their end. I had to do no-” You’re absolutely right, I - that’s not English. (continued reading) “This was similar to how camp-campaign donations are handled, so I believed them. I later learned that I was deliberately lied to. **** and his campaign lied to me in order to try to gather as much money as possible.” But what did they lie about, like, what is tha- I don’t know. (continued reading) “I recognize that I should have been responsible and done my own research, but I thought I could trust ***** ****. Because of this experience, I have been extremely careful-” Carful? Oh my God! (continued reading) “- in all further donations. I’ve also learned to approach most politicians with a little hesitation-” which completely contradicts, like, his normal-
Colin: So...So, if anything this is on ****’s hands-
Cat: Yeah.
Colin: than.. whereas Moreno’s-
Cat: (continued reading) “This is how I approached Senator **** after those lies from Senator ****.” Wha- IS THIS A GAME? I don’t know.
Sam: (laughs)
Cat: (continued reading) “I approached him to talk about his plans for southwest Ohio instead of- ah- I approached him to talk about his plans for southwest Ohio, comma, instead of asking me for money, comma, he told me-”
Sam: Wow.
Cat: Two different ideas, babe. (continued reading) “He told me about his plans to improve our region. I was so impressed with his plan, I chose to donate to his campaign unsolicited. I grew to trust Senator ***** just as I trust my dear friend Senator *****. I believe that my mistakes have changed me for the better. This experience has made me a better advocate for the people of Cincinnati. This situation has pushed me to want more for our city. That is what I set out to do when I decided to run for city council. I hope you agree with me and vote for me on Monday. Yours, Larry.”
Sam: I think-
Cat: I -Nothing is clear still (claps).
Colin: I-
Sam: I think the only answer is Russian Collusion.
Cat: (laughs)
Colin: Just try to loop that in somehow.
Cat: But- Hey, but Fed- Federal issues are not a city issue-
Colin: Yeah. Yeah, they’re not a thing!
Sam: Apparently not.
Cat: - because we can’t do anything anyway
Colin: Cause they don’t impact us, so…
Cat: Right.
Sam: No
Colin: Yeah. So..
Cat: Um…
Sam: Uh-
Colin: Final thoughts - who do you think won?
Sam: (buzzes lips)
Cat: Oh, god… it was-
Sam; I don’t know-
Cat: - a bloodbath
Sam: I think, I mean, not Vanessa. Is that an answer? I guess-
Colin: Yeah.
Sam: I, I, think, I think Larry… did a good job with defending himself, but Brock kind of kept his hands clean for the most part-
Colin: Yeah
Sam: And that was- that might have served him best.
Colin: Mmm
Sam: But then again, he doesn’t, he doesn’t put himself out there as much. He doesn’t,
Cat: Mmmhhmm
Sam: He doesn’t uh, you know, he doesn’t draw attention toward himself so it’s-
Colin: Kinda just.. exists
Sam: It’s hard to say he’s a winner in anything really.
Colin: Mmhmm
Cat: Yeah, I think it’s kind of like, like the Kennedy and Nixon debates - If we remember- like, anybody listening thought that Nixon won and anybody watching thought that Kennedy won. If anybody watched this, I think they would consider Brock not the winner, but the survivor ?
Sam: Mmhhmm
Colin: Yeah
Cat: Listening to it, I don’t even think Brock, like they probably thought Brock was a moderator and we were just answering - er, asking questions?
Colin: Yeah.
Cat: Because he, he was so quiet?
Colin: Mmmhmm
Cat: Vanessa - Vanessa did not win, it was - she was too aggressive, and-
Colin: She was too aggressive.
Cat: -and then, the, the information was either not correct or confusing.. Um, and Moreno.. eh, spends too much time covering his ass (Laughs) that I don’t-
Colin: Well, he didn’t have a choice!
Sam: Yeah.
Cat: Yeah, he didn’t have a choice, so it’s a- I- I mean, so that’s not necessarily his fault, but he couldn’t spin any question to get away from it, no one would let him.
Sam: Right.
Colin; Right, yeah.
Cat: So.. wow, God!
Colin: I personally, I thought Moreno won, just because I liked his little statement at the end where he talks about how he just came to talk policy-
Sam: Mmhmm
Colin: And then he just got lit up
Sam: From the very first-
Colin: -with accusations, right away. He barely had a chance at all, unless we asked a specific question that was regarding the scandal. What do you want to do?
Sam: he-
Cat: A-
Colin: He came to do that, and then also too, throughout the course of the speech, he played the victim a lot, he even specifically said at one point-
Cat: He did…
Colin: “I am the victim here-”
Cat: Yeah.
Colin: And, so, because of that I think Moreno won. Plus he’s, he’s built for these situations too, he’s just-
Sam: He was ready, yeah.
Cat: Yeah.
Colin: He’s a great speaker. He - you could tell him anything-
Cat: You could see, you could see on his face his wheels were turning but then he got ready -
Colin: Mmm
Cat: I- throughout this entire process- how long? How long has this campaign been going on? Are we, like, two months? We’ve been at this-
Colin: A month and a half, two months.
Cat: A month and a half, two months - We still have no idea what’s going to happen in our city after the election because no policy has been specific enough
Colin: Mmhmm.
Cat: Like, nobody- nobody has like a name for a policy or like a specific- I -
Sam: Or like, “Here’s what I’m going to do first, Day One!”
Cat: Day- Yeah- Yeah!
Colin: That’s-
Cat: So we have no idea - Our city is still in limbo, you know?
Colin: As is the election on Monday.
Cat: (laughing) As is the election on Monday, we’ll see how many people show up to their classes, to ah-
Colin: Mmm
Cat: Yeah. Lotsa, lots of breaking the fourth wall in terms of talking about classes (laughs).
Colin: ********* and-
Sam: ******* (laughs).
Cat: Yeah, I don’t know if that’s part of it. Okay! So, we’ll, uh, publish this bad boy
Sam: Thanks for listening!
Colin: Thanks for listening-
Cat: Thanks for listening guys-
Colin: Thanks for showing-
Cat: Make sure you vote on Monday and Tuesday in your respective Political Science classes and uh- results Wednesday? Probably?
Colin: Most likely. Wednesday or Friday-
Cat: Wednesday or Friday. Alrighty.